Zacchaeus Game Ideas

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How to Make Zacchaeus Bible Crafts and Activities for Sunday School

  1. Cool Video Game Ideas
  2. Game Ideas Generator
  3. Zacchaeus Games And Activities
  4. Zacchaeus Games

Zacchaeus Story for Kids Page. This page has a picture of Zacchaeus and an easy to understand retelling of the Zacchaeus story for kids. Zacchaeus Reporting Page. The Zacchaeus reporting page has different shapes to fill in with things like what Zacchaeus was like before meeting Jesus and then after meeting Jesus, and more. The games link with the themes; Vision, hiding, and sharing Hide and seek – Traditionally it’s one of those games everyone knows, and if you have the space it’s great to play. I’d make sure you have a signal to say the game has ended. It ties in to the idea of Zacchaeus being hidden in the tree.

The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson 'Jesus Knows My Name' a lesson about Zacchaeus meeting Jesus on The Resource Room. This lesson is available to members and as an instant digital download.


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Children lift the flaps to find Zacchaeus and other interesting creatures hiding in the tree.

This activity sheet contains two pictures, one of the tree and flaps and the other of the things hiding in the tree.

The flaps are cut so they can open and then the tree picture is glued over the creature picture. Children color the picture and then open the flaps to reveal what is hiding in the tree.


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Zacchaeus in a Tree Coloring Sheet

In this lesson children learn that they are special to God. He knows their name and even knew them before they were born.

Excerpts from the lesson:

'Zacchaeus could hardly believe his ears. Jesus knew his name! He not only knew his name, but he spoke his name the way it was intended to sound. Jesus spoke to him like he was important, like he was pure and innocent and righteous. Jesus saw Zacchaeus the way he was supposed to be. . .

Jesus knew Zacchaeus before he every met him. He knew what Zacchaeus needed, and he knows your name and what you need.

He cares about you. The Bible says that God knew you before you were ever born. He loves you and made you special. He has a plan for your life. He wants to come live with you. He is calling your name. All you have to do is invite him in.

It says in John 14:23, 'Jesus replied, 'If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.'

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©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

Zacchaeus In a Tree Bible Craft for Children's Ministry

What you will need:


Green Construction Paper


Kid's Scissors

What to do:

1. Before class print out the Zacchaeus pattern and cut leaf shapes from green construction paper.

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Instant Download Pattern $2.00 -

2. In class have your children draw a tree or help your children trace their hands and arms on a piece of paper to make a tree shape.

3. Have them color the 'tree' and then glue on construction paper leaves.

4. Make grass by cutting slits in strips of green paper and glue them to the bottom of the page.

5. To finish have your children color the picture of Zacchaeus and glue him in the tree.

Zacchaeus Craft - Jesus Knows My Name Name Plate or Sign

Fold a piece of card stock in half. Write 'Jesus Knows My Name' on a folded edge of the paper. Have your children use letter stickers or markers to spell out their name and then decorate the name plates with other stickers.

Member's - Complete Lesson

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©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

Zacchaeus 'Find Your Friend' Bible Game for Sunday School

Write each child's name on a half piece of card stock. Write them in front of the class so that everyone can see you write them. Say each letter out loud as you write them. When you have written each name mix up the cards and hand one out to each child. Tell the children that they need to find the friend whose name is on the card and give them their card. When a child has found his friend and has been given his card he should sit down. Tell the children that you will be timing them so they need to hurry. Doctor strange movie download in hindi. Do it a second time to see if they can beat their time.

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

'Where's Zacchaeus?' Bible Verse Review Game for Sunday School

1. Before class draw a picture of a large tree on bulletin board paper. (You can buy a bulletin board tree from - Big Tree with Animals.)

2. Print out the Zacchaeus and leaf pattern. Use the leaf pattern as a template to cut leaf shapes from green paper.

The patterns for this game are also available to members with the complete lesson

Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - $2.95 -

3. Color the Zacchaeus picture and tape it to the bulletin board. Cover the picture with a leaf.

4. Tape the rest of the leaves on the tree. Write one word of the Bible verse on separate pieces of sticky notepaper and hide them under the leaves.

To Play:

1. Tell your children that Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus was all the time and he knew his name, but we don't know where Zacchaeus is. He is hidden behind one of the leaves on the tree.

2. The children will take turns turning over the leaves one at a time to try and find Zacchaeus. If they pick one of the leaves with a word, they get to help figure out what the Bible verse says. Stick the word papers up on the wall as the children find them. Have the children that find the word papers try to place them in order. If you have very young children, just place them in the correct order the read the words displayed each time a child finds a new word paper. The child who finds Zacchaeus wins. If you haven't found all the words before Zacchaeus has been found, you can hide him again under a different leaf and keep playing.

Pin Zacchaeus in a Tree Game

1. Before class draw and paint a tree with lots of branches (Draw one or two branches that would be good for Zacchaeus to sit on) onto butcher paper, approximately 4' x 4' and then tape the tree on the wall.

2. Print out the Zacchaeus picture, cover it with contact paper, front and back, and then cut him out.

Members - Complete Lesson

Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - $2.95 -

3. Have the children color and cut out pictures of leaves to tape onto the tree. After reading the story about Zacchaeus, have the children play a 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' like game.

4. Have them take turns trying to tape Zacchaeus to the branch. There doesn't have to be a winner. The children will enjoy just seeing how close they can get Zacchaeus to the branch. As an alternative to taping on leaves, cut leaf shapes from sponges and have the children sponge paint leaves onto the tree.

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

'What Do You See?' Zacchaeus Game for Sunday School

Have your children stand in a circle and place a low stepping stole in the middle of the circle. Pick one child to stand on the stole and pretend to be Zacchaeus. Have the other children hold hands and walk around in a circle repeating this rhyme:

As the people were waiting patiently,
Zacchaeus climbed up in a great big tree.
They said,
'Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, what do you see,
way up there in the Sycamore Tree?'

'Zacchaeus' then holds one hand up over his eyes and says something he sees. Keep playing until all the children have had a chance to be Zacchaeus.

If you have older children have them repeat everything the previous children have said and then tell what he sees.

Or you can have Zacchaeus repeat this rhyme:

I can see everything from up in this tree,
and I can see Jesus pointing at me.

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

1. I Am Special
(Sing to the tune of Frere Jacques)

I am special (Point to yourself)
I am special. Don't you see? (Make binoculars with your fingers)
Don't you see? Someone very special (Put hands out to the side, palms up)
Someone very special,
'cause God (Point to heaven) made me (Point to yourself)
God made me!

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

2. There is No One Just Like Me
(Sung to 'Here comes Peter Cottontail')

Zacchaeus Game Ideas

There is no one just like me
Look around and you will see
There is no one
Like me to be found

Some are short and some are tall
Some are big and some are small
I am very special Cause I'm me!

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

3. Zacchaeus Was A Wee Little Man

Zacchaeus was a wee little man. A wee little man was he.
He climbed up in the sycamore tree, the Savior for to see.

And when the Savior passed that way, he looked up in the tree,
And he said, 'Zacchaeus, you come down from there;
For I'm going to your house today, for I'm going to your house today.'

And Zacchaeus came down from that tree, and he said,
'What a better man I'll be. I'll give my money to the poor.
What a better man I'll be. What a better man I'll be.'

Elizabeth shared this on our bulletin board:

'Our preschool & kindergarten children always like singing this with actions, crouching down for 'wee', pretending to climb up the tree. We put our hands over our eyebrows for 'the Lord he wanted to see'. And we sing at the end, 'and the Lord said, 'Zacchaeus, you come down from there cuz I'm going to your house for tea', to this we point up in the tree for each syllable and then pretend to hold a saucer in the palm of one hand, and a tea cup in the other, and make loud slurping noises!!

©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -See Copyright Information

Also see Zacchaeus Bible Lesson for Older Children

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AIM: The aim of the ‘Zacchaeus Has a Brand New Start’ session ins to help the children recognise that every journey has to start somewhere and that Jesus is in the habit of giving us a brand new start.

INTRO QUESTION: What was the last brand new thing you opened?


1. Red Light, Green Light. Players start on one end of the room. One person is on the other end of the room and must call out ‘Green Light’ or ‘Red Light’ with their back turned to the rest of the group. When the person shouts ‘green light’ all the children run towards that person. When that person shouts ‘red light’ the children must stop. It is upto that person to turn to see who stops last or to see if anyone is moving when they take a look. The first child to reach the person calling out is the winner.

2. Musical Pit Stop. Create colored flags and put them in different areas of your room. Then encourage the children to dance or move around them until the music stops. When the music stops shout the color of the flag that the children should run to.

3. Pin the wheel on the car. Create your own wheel and large picture of a car. Blindfold the children and allow them to attempt to put the wheel on the car.

SET the Scene:

Read Luke 19:1-10.


  1. 1. ‘Zacchaeus: Little Clay Bible’


1. Why did Zacchaeus run on ahead?

2. What kind of man was Zacchaeus?

3. Did the people like Zacchaeus? Why/why not?

4. What did Jesus tell Zacchaeus he wanted to do?

5. What did Zacchaeus say he would do with his money?

SPOT the Simple Meaning:


You will need to find something that you own that is old and then buy the exact same item. Show the children the old object and the brand new object and ask them which they think is better and why.

Say: Zacchaeus was amazed that Jesus had noticed him and wanted to stay at his house. Perhaps Zacchaeus didn’t have many friends, or didn’t expect someone as good as Jesus to want to be his friend. Either way, Zacchaeus took his chance at having a brand new start. Jesus gave Zacchaeus a brand new start because he didn’t tell Zacchaeus how bad he was or try to avoid him in the street – he decided to show Zacchaeus that it didn’t matter what he had done; what mattered was what he was going to do.

Jesus gives us a brand new start. He lets us start all over again. If we have done wrong things or if we feel we have let people down, we can ask Jesus to help us start again. Just like a brand new toy (refer to your specific item) we can have a brand new life in Jesus. All we have to do is invite him into our lives. Just as Zacchaeus was willing to have Jesus come to his house, we can invite Jesus to be the One that leads us in our lives.


Hold up a picture or image of a heart – if you have a heart pillow or cushion or something physically resembling a heart then this will help also. Alternatively or in addition you can clean some pennies or encourage the children to do it themselves:

You will need: a few old grubby pennies, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt and a non-metallic bowl. Simply add the vinegar and salt in a bowl and stir. Then put the pennies inside. They should be clean within minutes.

Say: When we invite Jesus into our lives He will give us a brand new heart – a clean heart – a heart like His. As we read our bibles and pray He will change our heart to be more loving, giving, joyful and peaceful. All we have to do is allow Him to change us.

David wanted to have a clean heart, so he prayed this prayer in a song: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10. Jesus is the only one that can make us new. We can’t do it on our own. In Ezekiel 36:26 God promises the people: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” He says this to us today too.

Zacchaeus has a massive change of heart when he meets Jesus. He decides that he will no longer take the money off the poor, but he will give back four times the amount to anyone that he owes. WOW! That is what happens when

Jesus changes our heart and our lives – He shows us what is most important. The most important thing in life is people and to know God. So if you need a new or changed heart today, start by coming to Jesus!

SEARCH the Scriptures:

Find the Flag Game.Put the bible names and any bible verses about new beginnings on the back of the flags. Hide the flags around the room and encourage your children to relay race around the room to find the flags. Once a player has found a flag they must run back and tag the next person.

People in the Bible that were given a brand new start:

Job: everything went wrong for Job, yet he was faithful, so God rewarded him with a brand new start. (The book of Job)

The guilty woman: the woman that was almost stoned to death for her sin was given a new start when Jesus told her to go and “sin no more” (John)

Paul: Saul had arrested Christians, yet Jesus gave him a brand new start on the road to Damascus. (Acts 9)

Jesus offered Nicodemus a brand new start. Yet we don’t know if he fully understood or took the opportunity. (John 3)


1. What is it like to start something from scratch or to have something brand new? (a new piece of work or art, opening a fresh journal to write in or having a cleanly washed bed)

2. If you could start your day/week/year/life all over again, what would you do differently?

3. What would you like to do differently this year compared to last year?

SENSE How You Feel:

As the children think about the following question, they can do one or some of the activities below:

How does it feel to know you can have a brand new start in Jesus?

1. Fill out the Zacchaeus wordsearch as you think.

2. Create a ‘Journey of My Life’ picture with your birth as the beginning up to where you are now. What has happened so far? Has Jesus given you a brand new start?

3. Create a messy picture with paints, pens or crayons and then scrunch it up and start again. How does it feel?

4. Create a ‘New Start’ picture with you at the beginning of the track. What would you like to see along your journey?


Zacchaeus Game Ideas

1. If life is a race, where do you think you are?

2. If life is a race, what kind of car are you?

Cool Video Game Ideas

3. If life is a journey, where do you want to go?


What area of your life do you need a brand new start in?

Is there something that you want to start doing?

Game Ideas Generator

Is there something that you want to stop doing?

– School –

– Friendships –

– Relationships with family –

Zacchaeus Games And Activities

– Relationship with God –

Zacchaeus Games

– Dreams and Ambitions –

Create a start line with two craft sticks and a piece of paper taped to both. On one side have the children write the word ‘Start’ and on the other side encourage each child to write something that they want a brand new start in.

Click here for the ‘Zacchaeus’ Brand New Start’ Powerpoint image